Application Preview
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Global Internship: Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Application Information

In addition to the Cornell application, students may need to complete an application directly with the host organization. The Global Internships team will provide any necessary "home school" approval upon completion and approval of your Cornell application.

  • What is your intended major?

  • Please list any second majors, minors, or concentrations you are pursuing.: If you do not have anything to list here, please type "none" or "n/a".

  • Are you Pre-Med, Pre-Law, or Pre-Vet?

  • What is your preferred back-up program?: If we are unable to place you with your preferred host organization, we may consider you for an alternative placement. Your back-up MUST be an already approved Global Internship opportunity. In the text box provided, please type your back-up program name EXACTLY as it appears in the opportunity listing: If you do not want to be considered for a back-up, please type "N/A" in the text box.